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The newest profiles in the salary survey
Gender | Position and category | Region | Company size | Age group | Net monthly salary |
CNC Machine Setter Mechanical Engineering | Karlovačka | n/a | 35-44 | 1,467.00 EUR | |
Food Engineer Agriculture, Food Industry | Grad Zagreb | big company | 25-34 | 1,295.00 EUR | |
Backend developer Information Technology | Splitsko-dalmatinska | n/a | 25-34 | 1,322.00 EUR | |
Administrative Worker Administration | Vukovarsko-srijemska | n/a | 45-54 | 1,140.00 EUR | |
Economist Economy, Finance, Accountancy | Grad Zagreb | n/a | 1,625.00 EUR | ||
Administrative Worker Administration | Istarska | big company | 35-44 | 1,133.00 EUR | |
Site Manager Construction & Real Estate | Karlovačka | n/a | 1,200.00 EUR | ||
Cook Tourism, Gastronomy, Hotel Business | Primorsko-goranska | n/a | 35-44 | 1,300.00 EUR | |
Shop Assistant Commerce | Sisačko-moslavačka | big company | 35-44 | 900.00 EUR | |
Waiter Tourism, Gastronomy, Hotel Business | Šibensko-kninska | n/a | 35-44 | 950.00 EUR |